Physical Therapy

Unveiling the Mystery of Pinched Nerves: Symptoms and Solutions

Unveiling the Mystery of Pinched Nerves: Symptoms and Solutions

We’re diving into a topic that’s close to our hearts here at Carolina Pain & Performance Center: pinched nerves. Whether you’ve experienced this uncomfortable condition yourself or know someone who has, understanding what’s happening beneath the skin can empower you to seek the right treatment and find relief. So, let’s unravel the mystery of pinched nerves together, exploring the symptoms…

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10 Vital Insights to Avoid Back Pain: Sidestep These Common Mistakes

10 Vital Insights to Avoid Back Pain: Sidestep These Common Mistakes

The Silent Epidemic: Unraveling the Mystery of Back Pain Back pain, a prevalent yet often misunderstood condition, affects many. This guide explores common mistakes leading to back pain, offering insights for prevention and management.  Back pain results from a combination of lifestyle choices and physical habits. This article provides guidance on improving spinal health and overall well-being. Before we do…

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Revolutionizing Modern Healthcare: The 2023 Paradigm Shift in Chiropractic Care

Revolutionizing Modern Healthcare: The 2023 Paradigm Shift in Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care continues to play a significant role in American healthcare, offering non-invasive solutions for pain management and overall well-being. Research has highlighted the safety of chiropractic care, showing a lower risk of injury compared to primary care alternatives. The risk of serious complications is significantly lower than primary care.[see study] Chiropractic care is also associated with a lower stroke…

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The Integral Role of Resistance Training in Runners’ Regimens

The Integral Role of Resistance Training in Runners’ Regimens

As a seasoned sports medicine professional and advocate for comprehensive fitness regimens, I want to address a prevalent misperception within the running community regarding resistance training. Despite resistance training’s significant benefits, there is still skepticism among runners about its necessity and efficacy. This piece aims to dismantle some of the long-standing myths surrounding resistance training, emphasizing its essential role in…

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